What New Business Execs Should Do In The First 18 Months Of Their Leadership Position

When you land a prestigious role as a business executive in a top company, you may be eager to dig deep and to begin making a difference in the company through your contributions. Your leadership skills will play a key role on productivity, retention and many other relevant factors that impact the success of the company in the years to come. Within the first 18 months in your position, it is important to follow a few critical steps in order to make the most positive impact on those around you.

Observe the Environment

The best leader has a clear vision for the company, but he or she develops that vision based on a thorough understanding of the business itself. You must observe each business process in action and speak with different individuals at various levels in the organizational structure to determine where bottlenecks and kinks are. You can also use this information to determine what type of leadership style the team will benefit most from.

Determine the Right Leadership Style for the Organization

Each business executive has a specific management style that he or she feels comfortable with, but the best leaders conform their styles and preferences to those around them and to the nature of the business. While effective communication is essential as a leader, the specific style that you use should be tailored specifically to benefit the workers in your business.

Take an Executive Leadership Course

Executive leadership courses may cover a wide range of topics that could potentially benefit you in different ways. After you have been in the office for a few weeks and have learned more about the operation and processes, sign up for a leadership course or two. Apply what you learn through these courses to your managerial efforts to make an impact on the business.

Seek Feedback from Others

Leaders are not commanders or directors. Leading is actually a two-way process that requires active communication from those around you, and it requires you to listen to what others have to say. Many people who work in the trenches are well aware of issues with processes, managers, co-workers and more. While you definitely do not want a managerial or leadership process that encourages griping and complaints, you should actively solicit opinions and information from others to improve the business environment.

Successfully leading your team can be frustrating and stressful, but it can also be fulfilling when you see the results of your efforts in action. If you have recently taken a business leadership executive position, consider how these tips can be used to improve your efforts.

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