Education In UAE: TOP 4 Universities In Dubai To Welcome International Students

UAE is high cultural and civilized country. Obviously, the life view of Arabian citizens is not as simple as Europeans. Like any other country of high culture, UAE takes care of good education for youth, including foreigners. The government of the country tries to shorten the amount of unlearned people. It is also about women that were out of law until now. The system of education is multistage. Boys and girls can study mixed together. The choice of private schools is also wide.

Educational Politics

The problem of education is very hot. It became especially hot after the UAE reunion. The country expenses for educational development were much lower than the expenses for defense. The time is changeable. The secondary education is obligatory and compulsive for all citizens. There are many educational establishments where you can get specialized education from competent teachers. The education is also accomplished by means of private schools and educational centers.

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The high education for all UAE citizens is free. The biggest and most popular educational establishments in UAE are UAE University, University of Sharjah from Abu Dhabi, Dubai Aviation College. There are also many people who are able to get high education abroad. The USA, Britain, Europe are popular for education. The most popular specializations for education are engineering, nursery, biology. The specialists that were educated abroad are very popular.

The demands to enter different UAE educational establishments are different. Everything depends on your concrete university and specialty. If you want to enter the international university, you need taking exams before. So, what about foreign students? Do they have broad opportunities for getting education? It is better to hire a car in Dubai and drive on to learn top of them.

Herriot-Watt Dubai Campus

The university was opened in 2005 in Dubai. Herriot-Watt Dubai Campus is the unit of the world popular Scottish university with the main campus in Edinburg. The education here is conducted according to the British educational program. The diploma you get in Dubai is basically the same as in Britain. The Herriot-Watt is included in TOP 40 universities of Great Britain and TOP 7th place in Dubai about the number of foreign students. Herriot-Watt Dubai Campus welcomes more than 8000 foreigners from 150 countries of the world. Oil extraction, engineering, energetics, IT specialties are in high demand.

What is more, the university is famous of after class activity. Students have great opportunity to improve their personal qualities by taking part in after class activities, students organizations. Herriot-Watt Dubai Campus is situated in Dubai International Academic City to neighbor with others international universities. The huge territory looks like the European island in the heart of Arabian country, where the most of foreign students live and learn. The campus territory includes the numerous cafes, playgrounds, fitness center, shops to buy food and office materials.


MODUL University Dubai

MODUL University Dubai (MU Dubai) is the only one foreign campus of the same name Australian university. MU Dubai was opened in September, 2016. The diploma from here is as important as analogous document from the MODUL University Vienna. MU Dubai gives opportunity to get education in sphere of tourism, hotel business and international management. There are also MBA courses and Foundation programs.

The educational program includes a lot of after class activities. The university campus welcomes to visit sport events, seminars and other informative occasions. MU Dubai campus is 2000 square meters to be situated in the center of DMCC – the best free economic zone according to Financial Times independent opinion. It is comfortable to reach the park, Dubai Marina and Jumeirah Beach Residence.

Middlesex University Dubai

The university was founded in 2005. This is the first foreign campus of the same name British university in UAE. More than 2500 students from 90 countries of the world live and study here. The educational level meets all British requirements. And diploma is as forceful as analogous document from the Middlesex University. If you study in the university for more than 2 years you can be sent to continue your study in the British campus if you wish.

Middlesex University Dubai is famous of different research programs and advanced technologies to implement them into life. There is a special employment service in the university to help graduates to do what they like. It offers more than 20 educational programs for students. There are also special courses to help students to be well-prepared for main academic disciplines. Sport is also important for students social life. There are football, volleyball, basketball and tennis teams in MUD. The university students are regularly participants of volunteer work and charitable events.

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The Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management

The Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management started work in 2001 in Dubai with the big aim to train high quality specialists in the sphere of tourism and hotel business. The educational programs and academy equipment was appreciated centers of accreditation ICE (International Centre of Excellence in Tourism and Hospitality Education) and IOH (Institute of Hospitality) to meet the highest world standards.

Academy of Hospitality Management is included into the Jumeirah Group – international company in the sphere in hotel business. It gives and opportunity for students to be interned in the high class hotels of Dubai. What are you offered to get? How about the reliable support from the world leading companies and specialists, modern infrastructure, progressive technologies, international teachers? So, these facts make the Academy of Hospitality Management one of the best schools in the sphere of hospitability.

EAHM is multinational atmosphere for students to get new interesting experience from meeting new friends. More than 60% of students are foreigners that arrived from more than 60 countries of the world. The lecturing staff is various and experienced. The most of professors and academicians are good specialists in the sphere of tourism. They came from the USA, European countries, Asia to give their lessons in Dubai. The lessons are conducted in English to be comfortable and available for all and everyone. The university is the first important stage for international students to build up their future career.

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