Work A High-Stress Job? 4 Tips For Keeping Your Sanity

Hypertension. Weight gain. Diabetes. Potentially deadly conditions all, and conditions that often have a common denominator: Stress. If your workplace stress has gotten out of hand, it’s time to learn how to de-stress so that these diseases don’t become your reality.

The best programs for managing stress offer the user a variety of options. These include some long-term changes as well as a few quick fixes. Each is designed to work alone or in tandem with other “stress managers.”

Here are four of the best ways to de-stress and to keep your sanity when your work stress levels spike out of control.

1. Develop Healthy Habits

You might joke about eating too much chocolate and hopping over to Happy Hour during your times of stress, but too much of these types of habits are counterproductive. While a little wine or a little chocolate—or whatever other habit—may not harm your health in the short run, they do in the long run.

Help Guide recommends replacing some of your bad stress habits with healthier ones. Try healthy food, getting to sleep on time, and even unplugging from electronics on the weekends instead of hitting Happy Hour or overeating.

2. Keep a Stress Journal

Do you know what causes you stress? Yes, your job might, but in order to tackle stress, it’s helpful for you to know what aspects of your job are stressful. Is it your boss? Your end-of-the-month reports? Too much work? All of it? None of it?

If you really don’t know what exactly is causing you stress, it might be helpful for you to keep a stress journal. In it, write down the event/s that made you stressed out. Also discuss your response to that and if it was effective. Finally, figure out what you did to bring a little harmony back to your day.

If no answers come or you don’t feel better, you might also try adding images to your journal pages. The book “Visual Journaling: Going Deeper Than Words” talks about how working with visual images in your journal bypasses the logical, judgmental part of the brain. This helps you access emotions directly. By accessing them, you can free yourself of their grip by helping them to dissipate.

3. Natural Solutions

Sometimes, work-related stress catches you off guard. Even worse, sometimes, you don’t have the time to deal with it by writing in your journal or going for a walk. If that’s the case, it’s good to have some quicker methods on hand.

For example, natural health companies like Davina Wellness make products from essential oils or herbs that give you immediate relief. These types of tools are perfect to keep in your briefcase. They only take a couple of minutes to take effect, which means you can continue working for the moment.

4. Get Moving

Many people swear by their yoga class or their daily jog, declaring these activities to be sanity savers and stress relievers. If you have not tried adding some physical fitness to your routine, you should think about it.

Aside from the fact that you’re doing something good for your body, these types of activities help you to blow off steam. Schedule a yoga class after work or use your lunch hour to take a walk or go to the gym. You may just find that you get your Zen back.

A stressful job can make your whole life miserable and take a serious toll on your health. If you’re finding that stress adversely affects you, it’s time to put some personal care activities in place.

A stress journal will help you identify the causes of stress in your life, while herbal remedies or essential oils offer you some “emergency” stress busters.

Additionally, adding newer, healthier routines helps keep your daily stress down over the long haul. Finally, remember that good self-care is as important to good job performance as getting to work on time or turning in your reports.

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