How Personality Tests Could Help Unite Your Office

Engaged employees are better employees. Unfortunately, you can’t keep your staff engaged if you don’t put in the much-needed effort. Another problem that contributes to the pestering issue of employing a disengaged population of staff members is that it takes different efforts to engage different personality types. Some employees want to be heard and noticed and others would prefer to be efficient workers who don’t get much public praise.

It’s hard to read someone’s personality based on looks or short interactions. Sometimes it takes answers to some general questions to assess a personality type. Answers that can easily be given anonymously via a computerized test. If you’re debating whether or not to use personality tests, here’s how they could unite your office and improve employee engagement:

Helping Mangers Manage More Effectively

When there’s hostility between managers and employees, it’s hard not to be in a toxic and divided workplace. There will always be employees who are complaining about the manager’s leadership styles when staff and upper-level management don’t see eye-to-eye. To avoid this, the best managers try to understand each and every employee they’re in charge of.

When you give every member of your team a personality test, you can manage your relationship with every contributor effectively. These tests help show leaders what motivates their staff and how they can help them become more successful. It’s a great talent management strategy that will help managers learn what needs to be done to engage the team so that they work as one without the drama.

Creating The Best Seating Chart

If you sit an introverted thinker next to an extroverted feeler, you are bound to see these employees clash. Introverted employees are extremely social and they love attention. Introverts are more reserved and focused, which means that they can be distracted when sitting next to their opposite. Add in the fact that thinking personality types are analytical and rational whereas feelers are more passionate and empathetic.

It’s crucial to find out how personality types interact so that you can better understand why it’s more efficient to seat similar personality types with one another for satisfaction and for the betterment of the company. While mixing things up can help people venture outside of the box, not all of the 16 personality types mix well.

Choosing Candidates Who Thrive In A Certain Role

You want to build both cohesive and productive workplaces. If you give personality tests when you interviewing a new hire or an internal applicant, you can use the information to place the right employee in the right role. A thinker is a much better fit as an accountant and a feeler is a much better counselor.

It doesn’t matter what type of industry you’re in. You could work in a doctors office that services the elderly or in a manufacturing plant, like Garland’s, Inc., where casters are produced. In each setting, it’s important to identify that the candidate has the right personality for the position they’re trying to be matched to. Personality tests can offer you invaluable information.

It’s amazing how one test that takes as little as 10 minutes to complete can tell an employer so much. Believe it or not, personalities are set. They won’t change here and there, a person is naturally who they are even when they try to hide certain traits. Use ambiguous questions to pinpoint your employee’s personality and you can use that information for the good.

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