Welcome to the 21st Century, Where Workplace Culture is everything

No one can doubt that the workplace culture in New York City has changed drastically over the past few decades. Some of the more progressive offices in the country would seem like an alternate realm to your grandfather.

Women hold more prominent positions than ever before and are fighting back harder than ever against sexual harassment on the job. The surge of millennials into the workforce has led to the development of unorthodox ways to boost morale and productivity. People have exciting lives outside of work that top their priorities.

In New York, to be an attractive company for prospective employees — and protect and further your brand — then you have to get with the times. As a business owner, you need to learn about the changes in the workplace and what they mean to your company.

The newfound power of women in the workplace

Women have more power on the job than ever before. According to Pew Research, the proliferation of women in jobs that require communication and analysis has led to a decrease in gender pay inequality.

However, even that comes second to the change in the way women expect to be treated at work. The #metoo movement is putting sexual harassment in the workplace to the sword, and this is far more than a trend. It’s the new norm. Catcalls and sexually themed jokes are no longer casually dismissed as guys being guys. These days, inappropriate gropes end careers and even companies.

Fortunately, with the proper training, you can do a great deal to prevent sexual harassment violations within your company. New York sexual harassment courses educate employees about how to avoid compromising situations. The last thing you want is for your company to end up on the wrong side of #metoo history.

The invasion of the millennials

If you were to ask a baby boomer, then they’re likely to tell you that they understand millennials even less than they do the Gen Xers. However, it’s imperative to understand this generation because they represent the largest portion of today’s workforce.

They go to social media instead of the bar or the barbershop to spill their cares. They read the ingredients labels on food before they buy it. They take longer to move out and get married.

With all of the possible criticisms to levy against millennials, what you cannot say about them is that they don’t care about workplace culture. Where previous generations may have somewhat resented the dreaded performance review, millennials in fact court these.

They want to know that their work is benefiting the company or how to improve if their work isn’t up to standards. The caveat is that they also expect to be recognized for going above and beyond the call of duty.

Employees want to feel valued

One huge change in the workplace that may surprise you — in that it’s not limited to millennials — is that employees want to feel valued these days. Long gone are the days where simply providing someone with employment is good enough to satisfy and bring out the best in them.

People lead more active lives outside of work now than ever before, and they want you to understand and appreciate that. Employees want to be recognized as individuals and not just as cogs in the company machine.

Get to know your employees. Make your engagement with them more personal. If an employee has vacation time coming up, then suggest ideas and possible destinations. If one of them has a health issue, suggest reputable doctors or let them know about New York City’s health information exchange organization.

All in all, the state of the 21st century workplace is good and steadily improving. Women hold more powerful positions and are speaking up against workplace oppression. Millennials are a results-driven generation. And, people are finding a better work-home life balance.

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