Tips to Equip the Kitchen of Your Hotel if You Only Offer Breakfasts

Many hotels opt for the option of offering their customers catering services exclusively at breakfast time. This decision offers a number of very attractive advantages, especially when it comes to reducing the necessary facilities and personnel.

Even so, it is necessary to have adequate facilities and equipment that allow you to offer the best service to your customers.

If you are considering this option for your hotel, here is a series of recommendations that will guide you regarding the necessary catering equipment to offer a quality breakfast service.

Before making decisions about the equipment, it is advisable to carry out a preliminary study of the needs and available space, and its layout. Consider the type of breakfast you will offer, the number of guests, and the needs of staff.

Establish the areas for cooking, dishwashing, bar or cafeteria, storage, and freezers. Once the study has been completed, consider the equipment that best suits each of these areas.

Recommendations for equipment for hotels exclusively offering breakfast service

Oven: look for an oven with the right features for your needs that offers quality cooking, efficiency, and safety. Advanced ovens, and especially gas models, are the ideal solution for those professionals who require an affordable oven, with advanced features and with the convenience of the control of operation by push-buttons.

Conservation of food and beverages in the kitchen: the use of a cold table is recommended, to maintain the food fresh.

Washing area: choose a high-quality dishwasher that is able to perform with maximum efficiency and optimal water consumption and with an electromechanical control panel for easy handling.

Also, consider installing a high-performance glasswasher, with the ability to wash and polish the required number of baskets of glasses per hour.

Hot water: this is often overlooked, but experts in commercial boiler services in London recommend ensuring that the hot water boiler installation is energy-efficient and can supply sufficient hot water during peak demand times, such as breakfast. Regular maintenance and servicing should be carried out to avoid any operating issues which might affect the productivity of the kitchen operations.

Other considerations

In addition to the kitchen equipment, it is essential to choose the right furniture and equipment in the dining and bar or cafeteria areas. These areas in view of the public have great importance because they influence the perception of your customers and their impressions of your establishment.

For breakfast service, you cannot afford to be without a modern coffee cabinet or enough display cabinets for bakery and related products that have sliding glass tops and curved, or flat glass covers. These allow food product display while offering easy self-service access by guests.

Exclusively offering a breakfast service is a good option if it fits the characteristics of your guests. Before starting to plan, be sure to consult catering equipment professionals, who can offer you the right advice regarding the best equipment for your needs and volume of service anticipated.


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