Stay Away from Cyber Attacks

Stay Away from Cyber Attacks

Identity Theft is the burning issue of the current day world. It can be anything such as credit card theft, fraud, cyber attack, spam, and phishing. You will find this mostly over the internet.  HPS WorldWide can save you from this crime. 

Our entire communications and business activities are doing online. Taking an opportunity of the matter now this threat of Identity Theft has increased rapidly. The targeting audience for the crime is businesses, citizens, and online users and credit cardholders. It has increased dramatically in the last five years. 

With the increase of Cybercrime, individuals and organizations are concerned not only about their financial damage but also about their privacy. 

The primary and secondary problems

Global computer networks and telecommunications have developed rapidly, for which identity theft can be committed easily in the high technologies field. Malware is used for stealing highly sensitive data, personal details, and money. It can be installed on mobile phones and computers through email attachments or chats, and the hacker can view everything the user does. The hackers easily get valuable business-related data stored in user’s networks or withdraw money from the bank accounts. Small organizations have less stringent security parameters and can be easily attacked by hackers.

In many cases, a computer is used to commit a crime. The crime starts with targeting a particular computer. They get your personal as well as bank detail and steal money you’re your account. Now a day’s people are experiencing many types of identity theft. All these crimes are intentional and targeted to an invasion of one’s privacy and personal confidentiality.

Since the last few years more a number of Identity Theft cases have been detected in society.

In many cases, a computer is used to commit a crime. The crime starts with targeting a particular computer. Now a day’s people are experiencing many types of identity theft. Some of them are discussed below. All these crimes are intentional and targeted to an invasion of one’s privacy and personal confidentiality.

Hacking: It is an activity where your computer is accessed by an unauthorized person without your permission.

Phishing: This is another significant approach of extracting confidential information nowadays. In this modern era, everyone has credit and debit cards. Here the attacker plays with email spoofing to get your personal data. So always be careful with the spam emails. Do not even open the links which seem not legitimate to you.

Cyberstalking: It is an advanced form of internet crime experiencing recently. This is done virtually by following your online activity. This type of crime involves harassing the victim and making threats through verbal intimidation. 

The factors that generally motivated attackers are financial gain or political gain and human factors such as curiosity or revenge. Attackers range from professional hackers and hobbyists to political activists or organized crime groups. Victims are the target of that crime and sometimes do not even realize that they were attacked. The impact of crime varies from financial loss or embarrassment to a national security breach or even one can lose a life. The attackers attracted by the victim’s asset.

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