Is There Any Trick To Choose Right Fabric Dye?

Most Dyes intermediates manufacturers receive queries from the clients about fabric dyes and their differences. There are multiple choices for customers including RIT, iDye, Dylon, acid, Procion mix, and the chemicals that are needed for coloring fabric. However, professionals and pro customers already know the ways to choose which dye will work for their project. There are three questions you can ask before going out to shop dye stuff-

  • What is the fabric type?
  • How vibrant do you want the dye color?
  • What process do you use to dye the fabric?

What Types of Dyes are there?

Fiber reactive dyes are one of the widely used dyes. For instance Procion MX by   holds premium colorfastness. These products are awesome for cellulose fibers like linen, cotton, rayon, viscose rayon, and raime. You will require additional things if you are using fiber reactive dyes, such as Soda ash, synthrapol, and salt.

Soda ash helps bond the dye to the fiber, salt helps retain the dye, and synthrapol is applied as pre-wash product to remove dirt, grease, or sizing from the fiber and as a post-dye wash to drain extra dye.

Fiber reactive dyes work best at room temperatures or lukewarm temperatures. If you want silk and wool to color, you can use fiber reactive dyes along with white vinegar. Simmer the fabric inside dye bath to get the right color.

Acid dyes like   acid dyes are powdered, concentrated, hot water dyes that bring the most vibrant results for protein fibers like wool and silk. Acid dyes work on nylon, lycra, acrylics, and human hair, yalk hair for making wig. Acetic acid is included in the process as a chemical assistant. Synthrapol is used with Procion MX as a post rinse.

Acid dye colors are really beautiful, super brilliant and colorfast. These dye colors are applied at a hot temperature. You need to pay close attention if you are dyeing wool and silk because these fabrics are delicate and can be degraded if exposed to high temperature.

Union Dyes are universal dyes that let you to dye multiple ranges of fabrics. It includes RIT, Dylon permanent, and Dylon multipurpose. If you are in the market for easy and fast dye option then union dyes will work best for you.

However, these dyes are universal dyes and can be used for several fabrics, yet the color will be less vibrant and less colorfast. These dyes just need salt for fixing.

Direct dyes like iDye act as a union dye as they don’t have brilliant color fastness, but need hot water, salt, in some cases vinegar.

Direct dyes are easy to use because you can simply bring the pack and dissolve it into hot water. You can use them for cotton silk fabric, wool, rayon, and linen.

You can choose the dyes on the basis of fabric, colorfastness, and dying method. If you want to know more about dye methods used by professionals, you may contact dyes intermediates manufacturers. They will provide you suitable guidelines for the same.

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