Affiliate YouTube Marketing Explained By Semalt Expert

Affiliate YouTube Marketing Explained By Semalt Expert

YouTube is an effective avenue for affiliate marketing. Every month, internet users view at least 6 billion hours of YouTube Videos. YouTube is the second biggest search engine globally. The site has more than 1 billion active users. It reaches a wider audience than any cable network. Therefore, affiliate marketing via YouTube is an attractive business venture.

Alexander Peresunko, the Customer Success Manager of Semalt Digital Services, shares his experience of affiliate YouTube Marketing.

What is YouTube Affiliate Marketing?

YouTube affiliate marketing involves developing video contents and illustrating the affiliate links in the video descriptions. The objective of the links is to direct user traffic to an affiliate landing site. The links can also direct the users to the email sign-up form with the aim of promoting affiliate services or products.

Users Who Engage in Affiliate Marketing

All YouTube users can engage in affiliate marketing. Users who develop effective YouTube contents have several affiliate offers on the video descriptions. YouTube is a popular network among the content developers and users. There are two categories of affiliate marketers. The first category comprises the casual marketers. These serious content developers indicate the affiliate links occasionally in their YouTube videos. They use affiliate marketing to generate a portion of their income. The developers have other revenue sources; for example, ad views and sponsored contents. The second category involves the professional marketers. They use the YouTube channel to generate affiliate commissions solely. Marques Brownlee (MKBHD) is one YouTube site that has Amazon affiliate links to enhance the SEO process.

Income Levels from YouTube Affiliate Marketing

Active YouTube users can earn millions of dollars from the traffic generated by the affiliate links. Affiliate marketers who are not serious in developing popular content can get nil or even minimal returns. The income from the YouTube SEO process depends on the views, offers, and funnels of the users. Some content can never go viral. However, the developer will still be able to earn income. “Setting up BlueHost” is an example of a video that cannot be viral on YouTube. But the content can attract user traffic from the search engines. The video will generate sufficient income if it ranks satisfactorily in the search engines. The users are adequately targeted because of the strong keyword. Also, the offer provides a strong referral fee.

Benefits of YouTube Affiliate Marketing

The SEO process is effective on YouTube because the platform has billions of active users globally. Video content is experiencing a high growth rate on YouTube. By 2019, approximately 80% of internet content will be videos. Video developers on YouTube will, therefore, get many views and high revenues. The video sector has limited competition because of the unique contents that attract a niche audience. YouTube has a stable search algorithm. Hence, the content developers are sure of getting traffic from the SEO process. The content developers can get a loyal audience on YouTube. The users have the option of subscribing to YouTube channels. They will get new videos from the channels even if the developers do not engage in video promotions. The SEO process is simple because 55% of google searches generate YouTube videos.

Affiliate YouTube Marketing Explained By Semalt Expert

Challenges of YouTube Affiliate Marketing

Users prefer quality content. For the SEO process to be effective, the developers must produce appealing videos. Certain niche-specific contents are difficult to develop. For example, engineering videos require high skills and resources to produce. YouTube has linking restrictions on users who create spam content. Some common topics cannot attract sufficient traffic on YouTube. This is because of the many developers who generate content.


It is advisable for content developers to use the YouTube platform for the SEO and affiliate marketing purposes. There is minimal competition for developers who consistently generate high-quality video contents.

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