How to Write Best Custom Essays to Impress Your Teacher

Essays are no doubt very interesting but also filled with very complications because we all know that it depends upon interest. Some students find it very difficult to write but there are many other students who find it very interesting. Irrespective of that, to write an essay about something you would have a keen knowledge about your subject.

Essays in general consist of three main parts which may be:

  • Introduction
  • Main Body
  • Conclusion

The above-mentioned three parts are the structure of an essay but irrespective of this an essay can be of different types or styles which can be termed as custom written essays. The styles of custom essays based on your academic requirement or what your instructor or teacher wants from you. These styles in which essays majorly written in schools or colleges are:

  • Narrative Essay
  • Argumentative Essay
  • Persuasive Essay
  • Descriptive Essay
  • Critical Essay

Narrative Essay

Narrative essays are the type of styles which is commonly used in our school levels because it is the most common and simple category of styles in which essays is written. In this type of essays, the writer expressed their views to reader irrespective of this that what other people think about that. It is a basic style that’s this type of category used in primary or secondary school levels where students write the story or views of something by their own or in their own views.

Argumentative Essay

Now move towards another category of styles in which essays are written. An argumentative style or type is not the basic style. Here writer cannot express his or her views without any proper investigation on the subject. This category requires a proper investigation on the subject which can be either in the form of other professionals’ views on that particular or can writer’s own research. Basically, the writer gives strong thesis based statements which clearly described the topic and after that a perfect conclusion. In other words, we can say that argumentative essays are very difficult to write as compared to narrative type because here writer‘s views cannot entertain readers.

Persuasive Essay

The most difficult type of essay is persuasive essays which are not easy to write because in this typewriter cannot give his or her views without any proper reasoning. In this category, the writer gives arguments with proper reasoning which can be in form of some theories or particular statements by other professionals. The writer highlights the key facts or features why he or she is supporting this topic or statement. The topic for this of the type of categories is not very common that’s why many readers want opposing points or arguments related to the topic which can be comprised of writer’s own views but with facts.

Descriptive Essay

Descriptive Essays are the type of essays in which writer gives detailed information about his subject and subject can be a picnic, an event or any other particular activity. This type is also very much known for many students of school or colleges because many students love to write this type of essay in which they briefly describe the particular event they faced or watched. This category motivates writer to express his or her views in a detailed manner. That’s why many students or even teachers like to write essays in this manner.

Critical Essay

Now, this is very interesting but very complicated to write. Because this type of essays is commonly related to political speeches or even research based, etc. In this type, the reader finds very interesting facts about the topic because in this category writer describes how he believe about particular is formed and he or she describes his or her views in step by step manner. The complication arises fir writers when he or she writes this type of essay because to describe views with facts are difficult but to describe these in step by step manner is even more difficult.

Although the conclusion is that we can write essays depends upon categories or styles in which we want to express views to shear ideas with the audience but it has different manners or depends upon the type of audience which is viewing essay and also depends upon the topic and even level at which we are writing. As discussed above that when your level is grown up from secondary to university levels your way to write things would be changed.

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