Content Marketing Strategies You Can Learn from World’s Greatest Brands

Developing a content marketing strategy from scratch takes considerable time, effort and creativity but if done right, it can propel your business to unimaginable heights. Fortunately, some of the greatest brands we know seem to have gotten it right in various ways. You can borrow some tips from these super brands and make it your own when coming up with your unique strategy designed around your business.

Why So Serious?

Denny’s is a runaway success in social media circles because it doesn’t take itself too seriously. Unless you are in a serious business such as selling medical supplies, you have permission to loosen up and have fun with the audience. A Denny’s social media post suggesting using their pancakes as shoe inserts is a perfect example of engaging with an audience in a casual and funny tone.

Make sure you first understand your audience’s sense of humor.  Also make sure that the content you put out is appropriate for the platform.

Take Customer Support to the People

Nike exemplifies strong social media presence and is particularly active on twitter. The giant has a dedicated twitter account just for support. Responses are almost instantaneous and helpful. Nike even uses slang words and casual language on the platform.

The takeaway here is leveraging social media doesn’t just mean putting word out about your products or services. You can use the platform to actually help people and create a real, trust-based connection with your audience.

Create Personalized Experiences

Coca Cola needs no introduction but its Share-a-Coke campaign exploded the brand’s name to go even further and wider especially in social media circles. The concept was simple; print a bunch of people’s names on bottles and cans. Within no time, people were sharing pictures of cokes with their names on it and buying for their friends if they happened to stumble upon their name.

You can borrow from Coca Cola by creating personalized content that resonates with your audience.

Educate Your Audience

Whole Foods has succeeded in branding itself as a lifestyle choice and not simply another grocery store. A look at its content marketing strategy tells you all you need to know about what’s lead up to this point.

Whole Foods shares educational content ranging from how to eat healthy on a budget or how to make sure your new eating habits stick. You can borrow the strategy by creating meaningful and educational content that actually helps your audience.

Consider borrowing from some of the world’s biggest brands when developing your own content marketing strategy. The idea isn’t to replicate what has already been done but to pick up ideas and mix with your personal flavor to make it truly yours.

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