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Business Car Insurance: How To Cover Your Car

Are you looking for business car insurance quotes? If you have never taken out this type of insurance, you are probably drowning in information. This article will help you with everything you need to know about driving a vehicle to your job or for business use.

Who Needs Business Car Insurance

You may be wondering if you really do require business car insurance. If you are currently using your car for work, then you more than likely will fall into the category.

When applying for business car insurance you can state the level that you use your car for business. You can usually state this when you are asked what you intend to use the vehicle for on a car insurance form.

If you are currently lift sharing – some insurers exclude this, so make sure that if you taking out a business car insurance policy that you note this in your quote.

Types of Car Insurance

There are different types of car insurance policies and they are usually sorted by social, domestic, pleasure and commuting. Business car insurance will cover you if you’re using the vehicle for business use, e.g. travelling to meet clients or driving members of your team to events.

It is worth noting that if you are using your car a lot during the working day and not just for driving to a single place of work – then you most likely you will require business car insurance.

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What Does Business Car Insurance Cover?

  • Travelling to external training courses
  • Travelling to banks
  • Driving to post offices
  • Driving to other company offices
  • Attending company events

Business car insurance usually covers the social use, however, it also covers important business trips such as away days and meetings. This is useful to any business that needs to use their company car often.

Types Of Business Car Insurance

Don’t worry there are different types of business car insurance and someone who occasionally uses their business car will never pay as much as someone whose car is their livelihood, e.g. taxi drivers.

It is worth your while looking into business car insurance before you purchase it. Business insurance comparison websites will allow you to search for the cover you need quickly and efficiently.

Remember, lying to insurance companies to get a cheaper quote is not the clever option as it will more than likely come back to bite you. Always be honest when you are applying for any type of car insurance.

business car insurance

Compare Business Car Insurance

When you compare business car insurance you will need specific details about the vehicle. Insurerr who are a car insurance comparison website say that “information related to your Car includes; make and model, year of registration, annual mileage as well as estimated value”.

Make sure that you have all of your personal details–mready to enter when you are comparing prices as your car insurance provider will need some basic information about you. You will need to include details about Occupation too, this will help insurers decide what category of insurance you will fall into.

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