6 Mobile App Marketing Strategies Developers Can Be Benefited With

There are millions of apps out there? Every one of them is doing their best to grab the pie of app revenue from the same market. But it is needless to say that all apps cannot enjoy the same degree of marketing edge. Or better to say, a few of the apps only gain prominence and enough download numbers to sustain as a business. In this respect, marketing strategies and tips followed by the successful apps can work as the eye opener.

There are several time tested techniques that always proved effective to make the app reach the audience and garner important download numbers as well as business conversion. There are also few techniques that in recent times turned out to be effective for the marketing campaign of many mobile apps. In many emerging markets mobile app marketing is a way to lots of creative outputs. Indian mobile app developers and elsewhere in the promising emerging economies are aware of that.

Considering all these evolving and tested ways for marketing mobile apps, here we have come up with six mobile app marketing strategies developers can find beneficial irrespective of the niche and target audience.

  1. Knowing your Audience

For any marketer, it always begins with knowing the audience. For every niche, there is a specific audience, whether large or small. Now within a broader niche also we can have several different specialities like audience looking for a particular set of features or contents. Furthermore, the target audience for an app can be platform specific and device specific as well. By looking at all these niches spanned across multiple platforms, devices, user specifications and needs, we can try to find out the ideal audience group for our mobile app.

Do you wonder how to get hold of your ideal audience? Well, you have few effective measures at your disposal. First of all, if your mobile app is not drastically different from your mobile website, your traffic for the later can as well be your target audience. To refine your target audience further, you can always study this traffic.

Another proven method to know about your target audience is to study the apps of the competitors and figure out their target audience. If you want to know your audience further and want to grab some important statistics conducting a mobile survey with the help of a team of professionals is always better.

  1. Create your Buyer Persona

Now when you have insights and data on your target customers ready, the next important step is to outline a typical buyer persona for your app. You can try to reach influential persons in your industry and niche and communicate with your existing customers. By knowing their preferences, leanings and intentions in detail, you can assess their behaviour in different use cases and thus can create buyer personas for your app.

Buyer personas are mainly created by studying the common characteristics and attributes of several people who are interested in the kind of app you are launching and by studying common preferences and behaviours of your existing customers. When you create buyer personas, you can have many things common with your competitor apps apart from a few pluses and minuses that characterise your app.

  1. Optimise the App Store Presence

App Store Optimisation or ASO is something that remained as a timeless pillar for app marketing.  No mobile app can successfully promote and market without ASO. Without hitting the App Store ranks an app hardly has any scope to reach an audience at large. So before anything else, you must make your App Store page appealing. Utilise the most relevant keywords in app name and description to optimise its scope to come in search ranks.

App Name: Ideally, the app name should combine your brand name and the most important app feature. The app name should be short and easy to remember besides offering a quick reference to the purpose of your app.

App Description: In your app description you should describe the unique features and potential of your app and make your description search friendly with most searched-for keywords in your niche. Besides maintaining relevance, your description should also be intriguing to read.

Visuals and media: Finally to give your users a direct and first-hand feel of the respective app, you need to use some app visuals. Offer some full blown screenshots of the app and if possible introduce a small video describing the unique features and usability of the app.

  1. Make use of KPIs important for the App Niche

No marketing campaign is effective unless you know the metrics to measure the app’s success in various aspects. Now, apart from the few common indicators, every app niche has a few indicators to measure the success of an app. Some key performance indicators or KPIs prove more effective than many others, and it entirely depends on the niche your app belongs to.

Some of the most important KPIs proved as most crucial for measuring the marketing success of most apps include App Store ranking. Organic user acquisition, user retention within various time frames, cost per download, monthly active users, weekly active users, and lifetime value (LTV), an increase in acquisition and engagement after App Store Optimisation drive, etc.

  1. A Solid Pre-launch Campaign

These days, the marketing team of an app cannot wait to unleash their campaigns until an app is launched. The launch itself is an excellent opportunity for an app to make news and create a buzz. So, actual marketing should start long before the app is launched. This is what we know as pre-launch marketing. Some of the key practices to make your pre-launch campaign a success are as followed.

  • Launching a small or single page website for the app and publishing contents to drive SEO and in turn making the app bigger news.
  • Use social media to promote your app with regular content publishing and engagement.
  • Contacting and targeting social influencers to spread the buzz around an app.
  • Email marketing to create buzz around an app.
  • Running promo campaign on social media for a mobile app.
  • Launching a beta version and offering people to use the new app and give their opinions.
  • Publish video ads of the app on social channels.

To conclude, mobile app development companies should focus on measures that can help them withstand and outdo competition with smart measures. In spite of having a terrible budget constraint, small app start-ups can even practice the strategies as mentioned above to give their apps a solid start.

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