10 Web Design Trends You Can Expect In 2018

10 Web Design Trends You Can Expect In 2018

We can feel the air of 2018 blowing over us from a far and it is almost time to switch over. There is excitement in the air for what trends are coming our way and web design is on the forefront. You want your viewers to stay engaged throughout the New Year and these trends will help. Let us get right into it and look at the 10 new web design trends.

  1. Brighter colors10 Web Design Trends You Can Expect In 2018

If you are taking note at what is happening in the business and online world, you might have noticed a lot of color changes. The once pale looking options has turned into bright and beautiful tones. There will be a lot of multi-color facets incorporated into webdesign.

  1. Sketch Art10 Web Design Trends You Can Expect In 2018

Even though graphic design is part of the startup process when it comes to web design, there will be a lot of new functions required of graphic designers. Get ready for the new sketch art added to web design. It might take the novice some time to figure out, but it is the future.

  1. Photo Content10 Web Design Trends You Can Expect In 2018

This trend has started in 2016 and it will be continuing in 2018. The effective has been realised with e-commerce businesses going at it full out. You might have to hire low cost translation services if your business covers more than one country.

  1. Animated Logos10 Web Design Trends You Can Expect In 2018

There are some website already doing this, but this trend is going to skyrocket in 2018. This just proves how far technology has come. Even though too much animation can become distracting on a website, 2018 will be a bit gentler on the eyes. The logos will not be the typical flashy animation, but rather a roll over the words.

  1. Virtual Reality Videos10 Web Design Trends You Can Expect In 2018

You can almost find a video on every website these days, because people seem to connect more when they watch a video about the individual behind the website. You might have to hire the best certified translation services to do one if you trade internationally. There are many apps to help you create virtual videos and you might want to get familiar with it.

  1. Security10 Web Design Trends You Can Expect In 2018

We have just about had enough of malware and data breaches. Security is taking a front row seat in 2018 and web designers are starting to make sure you have a secure interaction on the net. Security settings should be up to date on all web pages. This might not be a full requirement right now, but it will surely be in 2018.

  1. Cinemagraphs10 Web Design Trends You Can Expect In 2018

This new trend definitely makes you feel like the website is real and give you a sense of magic. The movements in the pictures are effortless and the rotating factor makes it even more real. Background cinemagraphics allows you to feel part of what you are seeing. It’s that beautiful space between a photograph and a video.

  1. Storytelling10 Web Design Trends You Can Expect In 2018

Humans connect with stories that they can relate to. It is important to tell a story to your users and help them connect with the brand. All it takes is one captivating story about the website, the products or the services offered. It is about time that websites become about more than just the end result. There are so many connections to be made with your customers and we seem to be heading in the right direction.

  1. Typography10 Web Design Trends You Can Expect In 2018

We see these videos where the story is told through typing. You follow the story without blinking, because you do not want to miss a thing. There is not much imagery involved, although you feel like you just watched an intense movie scene. This is the power of typography. You can set the tone for your story, by using music or a voiceover. There are cheap translation services available online to help you if needed.

  1. Relatable photography10 Web Design Trends You Can Expect In 2018

When we think of finding good photography online, iStock might be one to come to mind. Sometimes those photos seem almost too good to be true. In 2018 we are looking for photos taken by the neighborhood photographer. We need photos that looks real and not like a Photoshop masterpiece. This trend is going to bring us back to reality again as photos should look the way we experience it.


All of these trends are going to change the way we experience the web. It is all worth the wait and will hopefully add websites that engage the viewers and are user-friendly. Mobile websites are also going to get a lot more focus in the New Year. Most of us use our mobile phones to access the web and web designers have caught on. At least these changes are positive and will give the user a better experience online.

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