The Business Side Of Healthcare: How To Market Prescription Drugs

The Business Side Of Healthcare: How To Market Prescription Drugs

Also known as medico-marketing, prescription drugs marketing is the business of advertising and promoting the sale of prescription drugs. For years now, there has been a debate on whether it is ethical to advertise prescription drugs. The discussion between scholars and policy makers is based on the fact that prescription drugs are acquired upon a doctor’s strict administration. Meaning, it is not a luxury product but a need. The debate continues to focus on the explicit bit of prescription drugs advertising with many foods and drugs advertisement policies being implemented to protect consumers.


One of the many policies generated to protect consumers against explicit prescription drugs advertising is the PDMA known as Prescription Drug Marketing Act. This policy was passed to control and prevent the explicit and improper advertising of prescription drugs in the name of marketing. The policy was implemented on 4th December 2000 by the Foods and Drugs Act. In as much as improper advertising of prescription drugs is illegal, the clause does not subject all forms of advertising prescription drugs to the law. Through the Foods and Drugs Act, prescription drugs marketing is allowed where the medical practitioner has a valid license. Considering the PDMA, here is more info about marketing prescription drugs.

Pharmaceutical Sales Representatives

This form of marketing prescription drugs takes the dimension of employing sales representatives to distribute drugs to pharmacies and medical facilities. The sales representatives work on set objectives and targets to meet the deadlines set for sales.

Offering Drug Samples

Just like any other type of incentives provided in the form of promoting products in a store, prescription drugs can be marketed as samples. The provided sample allows prospective users to understand the drug component and find out if the drug works for their illness or symptoms.

Continual Medical Education

Just like some school mottos proclaim knowledge is power. Education is the key to knowledge and wisdom. Continual Medical Education illuminates the use of drugs and for what specific illnesses. Famously known as CME, it refers to a certain type of continuing education developed to assist medical practitioners in maintaining competence in the field. The system of education empowers the people in the field of medicine to grasp innovative knowledge about drugs and their new uses. As a result, the practitioners pass that knowledge to the society.

According to PDMA, prescription drugs’ marketing is only illegal if it is explicit. The clauseunder FDA allows medical practitioners to market drugs as long as they have a valid license. The basis of license validation is confirming that the individual marketing drugs qualifies as a physician.

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