Sferic Maps: World Weather Data At Your Fingertips

Sferic maps are a combination of the very best lightning software, weather software, and tracking systems from Earth Networks and a visual representation in map form. The forecasts available through sferic maps offer real time weather data for forecasts that are happening right now, in your area so you can prepare yourself, family, and home for any severe weather that might be headed your way. Through sferic maps, Earth Networks offers their customers the ability to see the current weather conditions with an easy to use application on your mobile phone or computer.  There are many sferic maps benefits, so we’ve listed a few of those benefits below.

Customized Notifications and Alerts

With sferic maps, you can choose what type of alerts and notifications you want to receive related to the weather. You can even choose different areas you want to be alerted on so you can keep tabs on loved ones in other areas as well. There is also an option to receive National Weather Service warnings as well.

Real Time Layers

Real time layers mean that you can layer your map with what you want to see, in real time. If you want to see the temperature and radar, you have that option. You can also see only the temperature, only the radar, etc. There are numerous options to choose from, all in real time!

Fast and Easy to Use

Sferic maps are easy to use and provide information and real-time world weather data quickly and effectively. They are available on your computer or through an app on your mobile phone.


Sferic maps are able to be shared with those you need to communicate with and inform about the severe weather conditions. You can publish custom-defined images and real time layers whenever you need.

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