How to Optimize Webpages for Search Engine Bots and People?

Keyword optimization is an important factor in any SEO effort. It is much more than just about making part-time cash from an affiliate marketing session. Our aim is to attract enough people to our website. If we want to drive traffic to our website, we should target search engine bots and real human users. If our website has messy code and complex structure, it would be much harder for bots to crawl our website. In this case, it is important that our website is much simpler. We should strike a fine balance between providing easy to reach content for users and search engine bots. If we get it right, we will eventually see that money will start to roll in. But if we do things poorly, both bots and real life users won’t be impressed by our website.

When creating webpage for both bots and people, we should make sure that the structure acceptable. When people read websites, they scan very rapidly.  It means that people read quickly until they find something that they are interested in. If they can’t find something that they like, people will quickly leave our website and this is not a good thing. People often have the scan and click mentality. This is necessary, because there are many websites that provide a wealth of information.  When we are writing for people, we are automatically writing for search engine bots. With enough tool and research, we should be able to achieve many things easily. It is also possible to gain inspiration by deducing keywords and keyphrases from competing websites.

Keyword selectot tool can be really helpful in ensuring that we are able to get the most relevant keywords for our website. In this case, we should be able to determine the level of competition of specific keywords and keyphrases, When making our webpages more relevant, we should avoid overdoing it. As an example, we should keep the keyword density at about 3 percent whenever possible. If we increase the frequency of keywords excessively, there is a good chance that search engine bots will detect it. The readability of our website could also be badly impaired. Although robots like content-rich webpages, they will seek for the most natural ones, based on common conventions. It is true that bots can’t comprehend a content, but they are programmed to detect a number of violations.

When using keyword phrases, we could put them on the opening and closing of the paragraph. In this case, people should understand about the overall meaning of our content. This is an important offline SEO technique that we need to perform. We should seek the right balance between grabbing the attention of visitors, as well as ticking all the boxes on the search engine compliance sheet. This can be a rather delicate balance, especially if we are dealing with more comprehensive keywords and topics. Even if we don’t have the intention to use excessive keyword density, the type of content and keyword may force us to increase the frequency.

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