Business In Italy: Creative Ideas and Security In Rights

Italy is European country that is very attractive for starting business. A lot of entrepreneurs from different countries want to start their business in Italy. Nevertheless, they have no enough information to start their own business. As a rule, there is specific in starting business in a new country. So, what information do you need to get the successful start in Italy? Is it enough to hire a car in Rome and go all over the city to learn the infrastructure in order to find a new favorable branch of industry?


Business Specific

The economy of Italy is rather stable. It can be supported with that fact that about 80% of Italian companies are family companies. If you like American business model, it is not the right step for you to start business in Italy. The business market also differs from the American business schemes. The small business in Italy is based on the legal forms of organization to help entrepreneurs to register their companies. The most popular form of registration is Sоsieta a responsabilita limitata (S.r.l.).

The minimum further capital for S.r.l. is 20 million of liras to be equal to 10 000 $. The physical and legal bodies can be the founders of the company. There is one obligatory condition – legal address. Be ready that you will be asked to pay further capital to the moment of registration. The other less popular forms of registration in Italy are commandite partnership, or Società in accomandita semplice, unlimited partnership, or Società in nome collettivo and unlimited company, or Responsabilità aggiuntiva. Choose what you like. Every new company in Italy is obliged to represent their reports every month. The balanced report must be represented once a year.

Of course, you may buy ready-to-made business in Italy. Nevertheless, Italy is not the right country to buy business easily. Unlike America, where business for sale is actively proclaimed, it will be difficult to find the sale announcements in the internet. If you decided to buy ready-made-business, you can use professional help for high price.

Exchange Controls

The exchange control in Italy is based on currency operations (in liras) and non-cash resources (in EUR). If you are aimed to buy realty in Italy, you can do this from your account in one of many Italian banks. By the way, foreign banks are out of trust in Italy.


Company Operation

Comparing with other countries, the expenses for company operation are low in Italy. The city government does not control your company in the amount of employees, year profit, administration. There is only one true principle: you do not have to prove the use of your business for your government.

Business Culture in Italy

As the rest of countries, Italy has its own business culture that everyone has to keep to be successful. First of all, Italian culture is oriented to have strong and reliable partner relations. This feature is very important in the sphere of business. Thus, shaking hands is the meaningful elements of communication and business-to-business relations. Even women in Italy used to shake hands. Italians are very friendly and natural in their business. Try to keep their titles and ranks.

Italians do not like to speak about their business by phone or internet. So, this is wrong way to start your business by sending e-mail with the work proposals. It is better to appoint the meeting and solve all problems face-to-face. Italians are expressive and tempered in their business and relations. If your Italian partner will interrupt your speech, it does not mean that you will not have strong relations. One more thing, Italians used to learn the work history of the potential business partner before contacting you. The both sides of the business relations (business partners) must be the same business and social status.

Business Ideas

Every business design starts with the business idea. If your idea is creative and interesting, there is a big chance that your business will be successful. There are many methods that help you to make all your business ideas to come true. The main thing, you have to define what the most successful of them are. This is the list of the craziest but successful business projects.

Workshop Gamestorming with Sunni Brown on June 6th 2013 in Amsterdam organized by Business Models Inc.

Creative Helmets

As a rule, the most of kids used to ride their bicycles and rollers with no special protection. Do they need the full protective set that consists of knee, had and elbows protection? Of course, they do. This is a good chance to protect skating or cycling kids with the creative helmets.

Educational Toys

Educational toys are very interesting business projects. Unlike other kinds of goods, all sellers should know what they trade with. They should know what is what. It is necessary to say exactly what the toy does and why you need to buy it. Otherwise, no one will buy it.

Projecting Advertising

Advertising is very important for successful business projects. TV, radio and printed advertising are very effective in the real life. Now, if you want to catch the clients, you have to create new and emotional advertising. This business idea speaks about the new kind of advertising for unexpected and experienced clients – projecting advertising.

Smart Bag

Everyone likes travelling. Do you like travelling? As a rule, the trip starts from planning, packing, transferring, buying tickets, going through the customs, carrying the heavy bags here and there. There is a smart idea that helps to make the process of packing faster.

Contax G1

Eatable Furniture

This idea is very surprising. Do you know something about the eatable furniture? Thus, for example, Italian candy factory started to produce creatively new and surprising product – eatable furniture. Oh no, this is not a piece of furniture that you can buy for souvenir, but absolutely functional sofas, chairs, arm chairs. You can eat them to the full, except for the metal construction. There is also a popular exhibition that is called The Eatable Design. The tradition goes from the country to country to be popular all over the world.

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