Are Goal Setting A Waste Of Time and What To Do Instead

Are Goal Setting A Waste Of Time and What To Do Instead

The imagination of a world without order and goals is the same as the concept of humanity coming to a standstill and the world operating on different grounds from the ones we know. Presently, nothing happens in this world without their being goals attached to successful and implemented plans that served as ideas to look forward to initially.

The fact remains that goals play a critical role in driving the world into different millenniums of new concepts and advancements in the human life and living standards that people set upon themselves.

The standard action of setting goals works just as other strategies that we apply to achieve specific targets or ends with the right intentions at heart. Hence, just like there exist the pros and cons of plans in the world, goals themselves may seem impossible tasks that have the probability of pulling us down regarding the setup of success strategies like the creation of the otcas personal statement.

The positive note remains that, despite failure being inevitable, the human society setting always has a way to find itself on toes from the shortcomings in the past experiences.

How Is Goals set up a waste of time?

• You don’t enjoy the success that comes with goals

The idea of not enjoying the success from years of toiling in work does not seem pleasant at all to a person who has well laid out goals in life. When answering how goals are a waste of time concerning the emotions that come with success, the human mind gets set up immediately for achieving progress with the development of goals to work.

Hence, when you achieve your set out goals over a period, you don’t get to enjoy the success since the final result and emotions of success were developed in mind at the conception of the goal thus it’s a waste of time.

• Rarely accomplished

Academic settings for students with goals in life and the work environment for employees of an organization rely heavily on goals to drive their success rates. The idea of setting up goals for a student and an active individual work towards the creation of a personal statement for ot school in the instance of a student. The intentions of the set out goals remain true although the statistics that insists that majority of goals remain unachieved leads to the fact that setting goals do not add value to a period.

Moreover, the goals spoken off emphasize mostly on the various ways that individuals may try to impress the society with their dreams. The fact that goals set with the aim of influencing others make them hard to achieve and for that reason rarely are they pursued.

In the long run of events, the goals get prolonged to avoid answering to the society which also directs the direction and types of targets people set up for themselves.

What to do instead of goal setting?

• Don’t ditch all the goals

The concept at hand on time wasting on goals does not apply to all scenarios of set up goals for all people. Individuals without a clue on what to do with their lives may opt for purposes as compasses to aid them in identifying what they want to do. Instead, if goals help you to feel better about yourself and in the development of a personal statement occupational therapy, then they waste time for you.

Action plan for areas you want to improve

Goal works forward where a person concentrates on where they are instead of where or what heights they want to achieve in a time span. An action plan would serve where you backtrack your goals in some regions of your life that need change. Think of the position of where you want to be and establish a channel for tracing back how you would make plans and achieve your present situation.


The goals in life on their own do not stand a chance of success without plans. If you want to achieve success, don’t set up projects now and then but instead determine how you want to reach your goal.

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