Benefits Of Doing Scratch Resistant Testing Of Ceramic Tiles

You get ISO 10545-4 ceramic tiles from manufacturing unit when you ask them to provide break strength and MOR tested ceramic tiles. At the unit, experts perform tests to determine break strength and modulus of rupture by using ISO 10545-4 strength tester along with other tools and machines.

The main reason to use scratch technique for ceramic tile testing is to replace the archaic EN 101 standard ceramic tiles. When this standard applied to advanced materials, it tends to be incorrect and subjective. Testing conditions, experimental methods and results on unglazed and glazed ceramic tiles are discussed here in brief.

Manufacturers and experts introduced the detailed test matrix to replace the EN 101 standard. The parameters of this test technique were bit advanced from the ISO 20502 standard fine ceramics. This standard is the determination of adhesion of ceramic coatings with the help of scratch test.

The scratch test is done to assess the mechanisms that occur during abrasion or wear. Experts can acquire information like median formation, lateral and radial cracks, elastic –plastic deformation and other material failure mechanisms while performing scratch test. Such information assists them in understanding the mechanisms included in wear and abrasion of brittle materials. So, scratch testing is fruitful for determining the scratch resistance of vast variety of materials.

Determination of critical load

Critical loads are the loads relating to abrupt events during scratch. Critical loads are used for determining the scratch resistance of the material. The revetest scratch tester can be applied to determine critical loads with the help of video software, which is connected with the scratch track and an optical microscope.

How glazed ceramic tiles are different from unglazed ones in terms of scratch resistance?

Glazed ceramic tiles have smooth surface as compared to unpolished tile. Glazing also enhances the decorative properties of the ceramic tiles. When it comes to scratch resistance, unglazed tiles win. Polished or glazed ceramic tile gets major effect of the first critical loads. Polished process produces defects to a certain depth only. The result reveals that scratch tests are effective for such materials and let rapid effects assessment of surface treatment. Thus, scratch testing technique proves that the critical load relies on the surface finish and the crystallinity of the material.

For more updates on ISO 10545-4 strength tester, you can contact ceramic tile manufacturers. The experts working at the unit are using techniques and testing machines to avail best results.

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