5 Tips on How to Stay Sober

Addiction is a problematic issue for millions of people every single day. Whether you or a loved one is addicted to alcohol, drugs or anything else, staying sober can be a true struggle. Something to keep in mind when it comes to sobriety is that it gets easier the longer you’re sober. At first, being sober might seem like an uphill battle that is a constant daily fight with your inner demons. Over time, you’ll find that it is easier to stay away from your once-addictive behavior than it is to give into it.

Here are a few tips on how to stay sober and live a more productive and happy life.

Live in the Here and Now

It can be easy to get caught up in the what if’s and future endeavors. Likewise, a lot of people live in the past and use their addiction as a way to take their mind off of their memories. One way to stay sober is by living in the here and now. Take each day as it comes and look at the morning as a brand new opportunity to stay clean. No matter what might happen in the future or what has happened in the past, the only guarantee you have of happiness is right now.

Engage Your Mind

Addiction is also often used as a way to get away from an idle mind. When you’re out of work, spending a lot of time in the house or just feel generally bored, addictive behaviors become tempting. Engaging your mind is one of the best options when it comes to staying sober, as it takes your thoughts away from the temptations and back onto something more viable. Let’s say that you don’t necessarily have the ability to leave the house, as you’ll find with many housewives, you could try getting into a hobby indoors or going outside for a walk throughout the day.

Exercise or Meditate

Exercising and meditating are ideal for staying sober. They help to get your body moving and your mind cleared. When you’re focused on your body working up a sweat, you probably won’t be thinking much about drinking or doing drugs. Plus, exercise releases feel-good endorphins that will help to alleviate a depressed mood often found in those going sober.

Don’t Live with the Fear of Relapsing

All too often, those who have struggled with addiction in the past live with the fear of relapsing. They wonder if they’ll be able to stay clean today and what temptations will reach out to them at any opportunity available. Living in this fear is only attracting more fear to you. Remember that when you release negativity, negativity is bound to come back. You need to have more confidence in yourself, reassuring your mind that you’ve chosen to give up the addiction and that you’re strong enough to fight off any urges and temptations.

Find Support in Friends and Community

Your friends, family and community are great help when overcoming an addiction. It helps if you’re able to connect with someone who has gone through the same struggle as you have, as you’ll notice they’ll be able to more easily understand what you’re going through. If you’re having an especially difficult day, you’ll be amazed at how beneficial it can be to sit down with a good friend or family member and talk about what you’re feeling. If you aren’t close to family or have no friends readily available, consider going onto an addiction support website to reach out to other people for advice, help and reassurance.

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